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    It is most deifinitely time to start this blog back up again. Please join me in my latest attempt to be more splendid and happy and less fat and grumpy.

    Sunday, January 18, 2009


    Sundays are always a strange day for me, church takes up a lot of time so we tend to just eat whatever is easy to throw together.

    BREAKFAST. Slimfast. Apple.
    LUNCH. Veggie soup.
    DINNER. Cereal! Also I ate pork crackling...which is a supposed no-no but I have to eat it! I roasted a pork joint for tomorrow and Sophie and I ate the crackling.

    Snacks. cracker breads and cream cheese.


    At 4:24 PM, Blogger Deb said...

    I am a reader of your other blog, and have checked in dailey to see if there's an update. Today, I saw you went private. I am so sorry now that I never commented and stayed a lurker. I feel like I know you, and now you're gone.
    I hope everything is ok, and that you are doing well. You are such a special woman, and deserve all the best that life has to offer.
    Thank you, for letting me be a silent part of your life for so long. I love your family!!



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